Monday, April 1, 2013



  1. Arm still hosed. Did this with just the bar to warm up. I need to wait. Oh well.

  2. Tendonitis? Sounds a bit like it.

  3. that would be my guess. What can be done about it besides waiting?

  4. I was presribed 1200 MG's of Ibuprofen daily to prevent swelling and the throbbing pain. But, eventually, I gave up waiting and just endured the pain and it went away. I've actually had it come back and it's due to kipping pullups. I mainly get it in my left elbow. Cortizone shots work, temporarily. I think it took a few months for it to finally subside, but in my case NOT working out became not an option.

  5. “When Becky came to Front Range CrossFit, I was beating her in many of the workouts and being completely worn out, taking longer to recover than her,” he says. “Becky told me that I am not acknowledging my age, that I need to realize that I am not young and I take longer to recover. I now take more rest periods and more rest days and have fewer injuries.”

    From here:

  6. Fletcher, rest, rest, more rest and aleve and ice packs. Thats what worked for me with similar issues. Hardest part is being patient.

    115s is killer. Did the presses and overhead squats unbrokent, with a set down to re grip. The made it through 7 push presses and I was pretty much so crushed for the rest of the workout. TT=13:46

  7. Justin you got me by 10 seconds. 115 got real heavy. Had a sharp pain in my right shoulder half way through the push press. Had to set the bar down to work it out. I suck at Front Squats and I wasn't very fast at all with them today.

    Tough WOD: 13:56

  8. Well, I did this one today but had to scale the overhead's. For some reason, I get a pain in my side near my kidney's when I try this w/heavy(ier) weight. I had to use a 70# barbell. Anyway, I ended up doing 25 PP's (no clue what I was thinking) and STILL struggle w/front squats. It's too awkward on my knee's/back so I can't do a full ROM. I did however increase the weight on back squats to 135#. All in all a great workout that had my shoulders burning and tri's close to failure. I also get some pain in my wrists. They're just not very flexible I guess when doing some of these explosive press exercises.
    TT 13:40


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