Friday, April 19, 2013

Dumbbell Clean and Jerk 5-5-5-5-5


  1. 45x5,55x5,60x5,65x5,65x5

    Good WOD

  2. Chris, did you do squat cleans or power cleans? I am going to hit this after work, but I am going to have to use a bar. I was thinking power cleans if possible and then switch to squats on later reps if needed?

  3. I did squat cleans because I wasn't sure. The few videos I found people were doing squat cleans.

  4. Chris, I got your post in time and so I did all squat cleans too. Also, I did touch and go's, so just the break before the jerk and then a re-grip in the rack. That made it tough. Some of those squats the catch had to go way low to get under the bar.
    115x5/135x5/145x5/155x5/165x5/175x3 lost it in the rack. It was a very good wod I thought with interesting loading.

  5. nobody has teased me yet for doing an "Insanity" workout! I'd rather do CF, it's more fun.

    This evening I wanted a cocktail, and also a late night snack. So I made a white Russian with some Nitrean+ with my magic bullet. It's almost zone-like.

  6. No teasing from this guy. I know how frustrating it is to be injured all to well. You do what you can to stay active. Surgery sucks balls, so let's hope it gets better.

    Justin nice numbers! I almost fell on my ass a couple times with the dumbbells. Just a different animal trying to control the weight with 2 arms. I really liked this one though.

    Jackie tomorrow with my usual sub...SDHP's :(


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