Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Row 500M, Bench 135 x 15 (x5)


  1. It will still be awhile before I can do pullups, or anything with barbell to shoulders and above. Light deads might work, I will try that recent one in a few days.... (once my tiddies are recovered from this one).

    TT 14:30, would say "big time PR" but my ROM was about 2 inches shy of full on the bench, to preserve my arm. As long as I don't bend the elbow a lot on bench and pushups, I am OK. It actually felt better today than the day before, and I did some rowing Sunday so that's a good sign. I think it's because tendons are avascular, so getting the blood flowing around them if you can without further injury, is a good thing. The avascularity of tendons and ligaments is why they take so long to heal up. I am on week 3 now.

    I did attack this WOD with full force, couldn't pull all the way back on the rower, so again to compensate I came way forward and exploded through mid stroke. Kept the pace around 1:52 throughout, first one was closer to 1:42.

  2. Did 10 reps instead of 15 on the bench.

    TT 23:06

  3. Quiet blog lately...

    I did P90X Plus "Interval X Plus" this morning... just because I can't use a pullup bar or a barbell or a dumbbell still. Pretty damn limiting and frustrating. But I got all whooped and sweaty and whatnot.

    I also ordered the set of Insanity DVDs to mix them up, and for this old hurt guy to keep his ass moving when things like this happen. I'll have those by Friday and will report on the ass beating I incur over the weekend. I hear those workouts kick your ass in.

  4. Craig, let me know how the Insanity workouts are. I've been tempted to order those myself in addition to CrossFit. You and I have shared the same fitness goals and tools for a long time so I'll be curious to hear what you think.

  5. Fletcher, that is some nice rowing with a bad arm. I did this with 95# shoulder press. Ran out of mojo on the press in round 4. Goal was to row negative splits and I got that, although my fastest was Fletcher's slowest. 2:00/1:59/1:57/1:55/1:52. TT=18:47 Shoulder press was really slow in 4 & 5.

  6. Fuck!! I'm dying. This has me in a pool of sweat. As rxd 15:26

  7. Did this again today just because I can... got distracted by kids a few times... so 14:51. Still, I got some work done. That's all I can do right now...


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