Wednesday, January 8, 2014

20 MIN AMRAP 15GHD/21 135# DL


  1. Do you guys remember that old SNL skit with the "Bad Idea" jeans? Well, doing this wod when you are still sore from the 50squat/ghd work out, its a bad idea...

    As rx'd 10 round + 6 GHDs

    Right now I feel like I have probably over done it to the point that I might not be able to get out of bed tomorrow. I am scared for what I have done. Because of the rep scheme I was actually able to do the first 10 GHDs consecutively in each round...bad idea.

  2. Justin that is incredible. Wow. I only got 8 rounds + 11 GHDs. You are a freak. I hope you are alive today and don't have rhabdo of the ab-dos! Good Lord am I sore a lot lately. And today's WOD has 105 DB C&J's in it! I think Dave Castro is doing the programming now, because Tony Budding has left the building to go start his own business. Castro is a Navy SEAL, so this is starting to make sense.


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