Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Heavy ass thrusters and SDHPs


  1. 13:38 RX'd. SDHPs were hardcore, I did all of them up under the chin. Like Chris, I am focusing on form and ROM over speed. I was not able to go very fast on this one at all, so I considered it a weightlifting WOD! It was cool though, challenging to do SDHP's that heavy (as if the thrusters were easy!). Every SDHP rep had to be a power explosion though to get up under the chin.

  2. Is it just me or does it seem like 135# is the new 95#s? Problem is I am in + 35 year old not 25 year old category.

    Damn it Fletcher! Why did you have to go and do this rx'd? I had myself all taked into wussing out with a scaling of the weight and now that just won't happen.

  3. I will always do a WOD RX'd if I can do it without injury... so this one I figured I could, I just didn't want to. Still, it was only 13:38 of work, so RX'd was the right thing to do!

  4. Did this as rx'd to with thruster to the ball and sumo's to the chin. 9:38. Had to hurry got to make to happy hour for quarter wings and 2.50 20oz micros. (that's kinda zone friendly insn't)

  5. You didn't rub this in my face at ALL? Man, you CRUSHED ME. Justinius the Strong, is in the HOUSE!


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