Friday, January 24, 2014

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1


  1. Did this instead...

    4 RFT
    Row 500M
    10 Deadlift @ 185
    20 KBS @ 1.5 pood


    Have a cold, but still wanted to WOD. Doing the 10 lbs in January thing... I am down 10.5 lbs with a week to go. Got a "masticating" juicer machine, been drinking a pure veggie/fruit meal once a day as a replacement... it tastes great actually once you get used to some good recipes. I like to add ginger and cayenne pepper! That'll clean you out.

  2. I made up a wod too, Dave you might want to do something like this for your 2k goal.

    10 rounds row 250m with 1:30 rest, pace boat set at 1:45/500m

    During rest 10GHDs, 3x320 sumo deadlift

    Made it through four rounds beating the pace boat, then lost to it in rounds 5-9, but then crushed in round 10. Killer wod.

  3. I was going to do this Craig's way on Friday but my hamstrings were killing me from the 90 sandbag front squats. So today I thought I would do this your way Justin. I was going to do 10 250m row with 5 135dl and 5 C2B strict pull-ups. I did one row with a pace of 1:43.6 per 500. I could not do anything else. I was just hurting. Went back to the rower and realized I didn't set it as interval. Restarted my 250Ms with a pace boat on 1:55 and rest 2:00min.
    1:39.6, 1:47.2, 1:48.2, 1:47.4, 1:47.4 paces if a 500m row

    Well I now know I can keep a pace below 1:50 for at least six. Now go for 10 in a row and then start to lower the rest interval.
    Thanks for the idea Justin


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