Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hard Cindy


  1. This is definitely hard cindy if you are talking number of rounds, but it is definitely way easier in terms of a metcon than cindy because of how much the pullups slow you down and the fewer rounds. 7rd+5pu+7pu

  2. Did this as regular Cindy. We are at my parents condo again this weekend. My pull-ups were dead hang.
    15 rounds + 5 pull-ups

    I also posted my video of doing a backward roll to support on rings.

  3. Where's the video Dave?

    I am almost nervous about this WOD tomorrow.. since I have pounded my shoulders so hard last two days. We'll see. I might do regular Cindy since I don't want to bulk up too much this month.

  4. I tried to watch it and got an error message... will try again another day

  5. Hey guys. Man, I wasn't sure if I could workout this AM. My legs and abs are very very sore from that last stupid WOD with 150 weighted squats, 100 GHDs, and 50 BEs. But I did it anyway.....

    got 11 rounds + 5 WPUs + 10 pushups + 3 45 lb squats at the buzzer (picked up the 45er at 9 seconds and really didn't want to). First 7 rounds were done in 11 minutes, I do remember that. First round was done in 45 seconds... besides those faint memories all else was lost on me.

    I think I mentioned the 10 lb weight loss challenge for January. I started on 1/2 and today, just 5 days later, I have lost 7 pounds. Measuring all food, taking in 2,000 calories a day (I think normal for me is 3,400-3,600) and not drinking more than a glass or two of wine with dinner. No beer or cocktails. No sweets, no crap, pure paleo. I feel good for the most part, sometimes I've been getting headaches I think from the caloric restrictions. Felt like a bull in the WOD this AM though. Sleeping better. I think after January I should continue to try to be smarter about portion control. I bet I'll lose 15 lbs. That would put me at 212 which is lean and mean for me.

  6. I had to scale the weighted PU's to 10 lbs. I'm having some issues w/my forearns and I'm not sure what's causing it. Nevertheless, I'm sure that helped as I did all sets unbroken. I kept a decent pace and am pretty happy w/the results.

    14, +5 +10 +9.


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