Thursday, January 23, 2014

3 RFT Strict MU, Strict HSPU, Pistols


  1. Did this 13 hours after the 20 min AMRAP Bench/LPU, so ya... my muscles are a mess.

    Butchered this one this way:

    5 strict pullups
    5 strict ring dips
    10 strict HSPU (to Abmat, shoulders smoked)
    15 back squats @ 175

    TT 19:30

    I went slow and worked on form, also catching a cold and just sore and worn out so wasn't intense, but I worked the body and mind some this morning. I'll take it. Better than pussing out and skipping a workout. Time to go shovel snow.

  2. Was that you with the first comment for this WOD on the mainsite?
    Your time is pretty good for doing this after the L-sit/bench WOD. My pecs/abs are still sore from doing that WOD 2 days ago. We'll see how well I do this WOD tonight.
    I did try to do some strict MU last night. Not happening.

  3. Actually yes, that was me. I rarely ask questions on the main site.. once a year MAYBE. Was wondering if it meant 15 pistols each leg for a total of 30 reps per round?

  4. Modifications: MU = 10 of each 25# strict Pull-ups and 25# strict ring dips, HSUP rx'd, Pistols = 30 fronts squats with 60# sand bag (that was real nice on the shoulders).
    TT 29:05.32 (would have been quicker, but family came into the gym. Helped them with pull-ups and squats. My son, 5, was doing 25# kettlebell deadlifts while I was doing my last set of squats. We are going to start doing some of the Crossfit kids WODs. Forgive the musings.)

  5. I got one strict muscle up to start round two, the rest were regular, but I made sure to try three to start each round. All HSPs legit but slooow. Pistols with a band for assistance from the pullup bar. It was a slow grind at 31:20.


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