Saturday, October 10, 2015


9 rounds for time with a partner of:
9 bar muscle-ups
11 clean and jerks, 155 lb.
50-yard buddy carry
Share the work with your partner however you choose with only one person working at a time. If you can't find a partner, perform 5 reps of each exercise per round and find a heavy sandbag to carry.


  1. I Fletcherized this one as follows:

    9 RFT:
    7 L Pullups
    7 Ring Dips
    5 155 lb power cleans
    100 yard carry of 110 lbs (two KBs)

    Done that way, 26:20. That was a good one!! Haven't had an adult beverage in almost a week... that didn't really seem to help, but I have slept like a LOG the last couple of days! Probably ingested about 5,000 fewer calories in the past week LOL.

  2. Oh.. first round did 10 LPUs and 10 RDs...

  3. 9 RFT:
    7 L Pullups (best I could)
    7 Ring Dips
    5 115 lb Hang Jerk cleans
    100 yard carry of 90 lbs (two KBs)

    And if you are wondering, yes it Sucked :)

  4. Forgot, TT 26:59, and like Fletcher, 1st round we did 10/10 of PU and RD's

  5. So I did my own version:

    7 L Pull-ups
    7 Ring Rows (can't do Ring Dips anymore)
    5 115# Power Clean with full squat
    100 yard carry of 90# (2 KBs)

    TT 26:22


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