Wuddup bretheren!
Did the MU/BS WOD this morning with some good subs for MUs, posted over there for all to enjoy. Welcome back Jacob!
Couple of things. One is the schedule. When I stick to the 3 on 1 off thing, I felt beat down, a little too beat down. I am thinking I'll more often do 2 on 1 off. Is this blasphemy? In the CrossFit community is this allowed for a 38 year old father of two with a desk job? I feel like I perform better this way.
Two is nutrition. Eating paleo really works. Are you guys doing it? I do it 85-90%. It really helps me feel good and have energy.
Three is the Paleolithic Solution podcast by Robb Wolf. Go check it out. You can download and install iTunes for free and download all of the podcasts free. There is some great stuff in there. Robb really emphasizes how important sleeping 8-9 hours a night is for overall wellness.
Fourth is holistic medicine/supplements. I've been back on "Nanogreens" lately, per Tornado's suggestion. It's like 10 servings of fruits and veggies, like deep sea greens and stuff you can't just eat normally. Also supposed to keep your pH up (an acidic pH is a happy place for cancer to thrive, we don't like cancer). I also take 2-3 TSPN of Carlson's fish oil a day as well as a multi, MoveFree, B12, and a probiotic. Also started monthly deep tissue massage (aaaahhhhhh) and last week started 1-2 times a month of chiropractic. I'm trying the Tornado's methods. I'll report back later. I want some time to pass. Apparently chiropractic has a lot of surprising benefits. It improves immunity, opens neural pathways, and lots of other crazy stuff.
L A T E R!!!
Rest day tomorrow. I go to church on Tuesday mornings @ 7. No alcohol tonight either!