Tuesday, March 30, 2010

185#FS/LPU x 7


  1. WODoers:

    As rx'd 11:28. Hardest part was power cleaning the weight to start each round. Lost about 15 seconds each time catching my breath to make sure I didn't miss.

    Hoping tomorrow is shoulder day. I am feeling a PR on the press.

  2. Justin, doing 7 reps of 185 lb power clean adds a load for sure! I love power cleans though, maybe I should have done that just so I could have more fun.

    Did this thing at 5:45 AM. Felt good, but FS's were from the rack. TT = 9:31.

    Had to redo a couple of LPU's due to lack of full ROM up top.

    If I weren't financially accountable to my family I'd send you a rack Justin, and you a rower Chris. Seriously. But I can't do that.

  3. Question for you guys. What kind of protien powder do you use? Why are people so down on soy protien? I know whey protien and casein are good, or at least I've read.... just thought it would help to get your opinions.

  4. Fletcher, I use Cytogainer, which is mostly whey. It did wonders for me last year; between that and eating well, I put on a good 15# of muscle thru the year. Strangely, though, i've leveled out at about 215#.

    I asked this a while ago and I know Jacob said he uses pure whey. He and others are clearly better to answer you than I am.

  5. I've been using Premium Protien But it has whey, casein, and soy protien.

  6. OK read some stuff online, CrossFit Forums, other places. People swear by this stuff. I just ordered some, I got two containers so I could get the free T Shirt. I'm a dork.


  7. Bleh. This was the "how weak is Chas" WOD.

    The best I could tell by my searching, 190# was my 3RM for FS last August, so I considered going along w/ 185 today. I did the first round rx'd but then opted to scale it to 165# to keep things moving. PUs were closer to tucks than Ls - those still elude me.


  8. Shoulder felt surprisingly good through this WOD. Seems the more I workout the better it feels. I don't think that makes any sense at all , but just saying that's how it feels. I go to visit the ortho surgeon tomorrow. I most likely won't know anything until I get an MRI.

    TT: 10:08

    Later guys.

  9. Wanted to give the MetCon portion of the North Cal. Day 2 Sectionals a try, here's how it went. Myles, I could only imagine what it must of felt like after a 270lb squat clean and jerk... sick!

    WOD #1

    For time:
    50m Sprint
    25 Burpees
    100m Walking Lunges
    5 Rounds of:
    15 Reps Shoulder to Overhead, 45lb Dumbbell Press
    100m Farmers Carry, (45lb Dumbbells, 50m out and back.)
    25 Burpees
    500m Row
    450m Run

    Jacob 15:46

    WOD #2

    1 Round every minute, until failure of:
    3 Front Squats, 185lbs
    7 L Pull-ups

    7 Rounds +3 Front Squats and 2 L Pull-ups

    Fletcher I use plain unflavored baking whey, I buy it from FitRx.com, Optimum Nutrition makes it. Very low card, low calorie yet high protien content.

  10. A good workout tonight. My L-ups are getting better, but not every rep was strict.

    TT = 9:31

  11. Mike, we're an exact match. Jacob, that time is SICK. You are the metcon king!


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