Tuesday, March 23, 2010

CTB, BJ30",GHDSU 10-1


  1. WODoers:

    subbed 20# vest 24" box jumps
    nipples to rings on pull ups
    ghdsu as rx'd

    I think my sub was fair, and there was no way I could safely set up a 30" box jump, and I lost time putting vest on and off. TT= 16:09

    Good wod, great weekdend with lots of active rest. Life is good. Have a great day boys!

  2. Nice sub Justin, me likey. Hey I have a couple of new hip-hop ish songs that I like, rec'd by Jacob. I'll send a sample to ya.

    I got up at 5:15 AM and did this one after only 6 hours of sleep. It was hard just to get rolling this morning. The four things I need to reconsider for the knee are running, box jumps, really heavy lifting, and jump rope.

    So for the box jumps I did 30 inchers, but more like "step up thrust mini jumps"... I put the one leg up and then "jumped" my body up there on the other leg, went up to full extension, which meant my head was almost touching my 9 1/2 foot ceiling.

    This WOD was cool because I stayed moving almost the entire time, didn't rest a lot. I was inspired by Spealler in the recent Journal post "Spealler vs. Khalipa."

    CTBs and GHDs RX'd, TT = 14:56. Good WOD!

  3. Great WOD, no 30" plyo box so I added on reps for the box jumps 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6. Everything else RX'd.

    TT: 13:39

    I go to see the phy. therapist tomorrow @ 5 so hopefully I'll know more about whats going on with the shoulder.

    Later guys.

  4. I have a 20" box. Forgot to mention that.

  5. Chris, I should have thought of that. I've got limited ceiling clearance in the basement and used my bench as I typically do, it's only 20". So not as rx'd. But for what it's worth,


  6. What's happening fellas? Sorry for my absence lately. I had some friends in town for St. Patty's Day, then took off to Vegas Thursday thru Sunday. I got some much needed rest last night, then had my class and everything tonight. So, I just barely got the WOD in.

    Subbed ball under ass, feet under bar 2:1 for GHDSU's. Hands to mid-chest height on PU's. 36" box.

    TT = 17:31

    Felt good to get back in here. Gonna be busy for the next month though. So, I'll be hit or miss. Hopefully more hit than miss. Later fellas.


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