Tuesday, March 9, 2010

L climb earHSP 1legOHS or Mary on Steroids


  1. WODoers: Couldn't quite do the hsps and ohs as rx'd but did my best.

    1.5 10' l rope climbs start on ass
    hsps to head even with top of parralletes 30" apart
    1 legged squat to 24" ladder while standing on 45# bumper, so 20" stop I guess. Could have made these a little harder.

    It was still a great wod and I worked everything in my body over. TT=19:26

  2. This one was as tough as advertised. I did a scaled version, and this still kicked my ass. For one-legged squats, I stood on the 24" box near a railing. Then I squatted to full ROM, but used the railing as needed for assistance. HSPU's still aren't full ROM throughout the workout, but I'm getting better at these. And L-sit rope climbs...no there yet.

    5 Rounds for time of:

    Regular 15' rope climbs
    10 regular HSPU's (3/4 ROM towards end)
    5 each leg, one-legged squats

    TT - 25:10

    I'm spent. Time for dinner! Later fellas.


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