Wednesday, March 24, 2010

7x1 Snatch


  1. Did the Deadlift - DU WOD first. I either am a big vagina or just not worth a shit at snatches.

    95, 115, 135f, 135f, 135f, 135f, 135f, 115

    The first 4 failures were that I couldn't lock my arms out overhead and it kind of looked like a crazy C&J. But, the end just got ugly. Later fellas.

  2. Mikey, I hate say it but is probably a little bit from column A and a little bit from column B. :)

    165# PR and fuck yeah!

  3. This is the first time I've tried heavy snatches, and with the knee I didn't really have much "emotional energy"... I didn't try very hard on the last rep to be honest. I just don't want to hurt myself again and heavy squat snatches are pretty tough on the knee.


    To make up for the moderate effort on snatches, I did 3 rounds of:
    165 lb power cleans, 6 reps unbroken, with 90 seconds rest in between sets. That got a little intense.

    Then I did a few 135 lb squat cleans just for fun. My wife was out there and she wanted to see those lifts.

    Then I had to get the heck out of there and get the kids to daycare and get to work!

    Later dudes.

    PS - here's a little clip of Chelle doing "Cindy" yesterday. She subbed ring pullups from the floor for normal pullups. She's working her way up to real pullups that way. She's also been seeing a CF trainer at the local affiliate every week for the past month or so. She's into it!

  4. My 3 year old Luci LOVES To play on the rings, and she HATES it when you make her get off of them!!!

  5. This is a really weak lift for me, for reasons of both strength and unfamiliarity. I just kept the WOD to working on form. I kind of lost track, but it was something like:

    65x5(x2), 75x5(x2), 85x5, 95x3(x4)

    I know I can go heavier, but I wanted more reps to work on the move. One good thing that came out of this was that I found if I focus on planting my feet hard for the catch (almost stamping them really), I get under it much better and catch it much steadier. Also did some HSPU work in between sets in order to get something else done.

  6. Mike Burgener's son Casey has snatched 400 POUNDS before. Is that good? Holy crap.


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