Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lots of Deads and Pushups

Here's me being an annoying moron and Chris doing his first row, just like baby's first poo poo....


  1. WODoers:

    Not a bad wod. As rx'd 13:52. Nice one to loosen up the lower back. HSPs work over my lower lumbar region.

  2. WODllers:

    Today I had a special guest! Chris is out here from Syracuse in training, so he met me bright and early in the garage gym and we did our own thing, but similar work to this WOD. Chris has never rowed before so here's how it went down:

    Three 1K rowing sprints each dude (Dude #2 rests while dude #1 rows)

    Craig: 3:27.0 (PR), 3:38.8, 3:43.7
    I know I could do better than 3:27, but saved some for the next two.

    Chris: 3:58.2, 3:56.6, 4:03.3

    Chris did damn good considering a) never rowed b) recovering from bronchitis and c) we're a mile above sea level here.

    Then we did 5 rounds of max rep bench press @ 135 lbs. I leave about 2" between chest and bar so my shoulder stays happy. Chris was tapping the chest.

    Craig: 25,11,10,12,12
    Chris: 20,11,10,10,10

    Killer WOD. My throat is still burning more than two hours later. Rowing sprints have that Fran-like effect. Nasty.

  3. Shoulder Shrug 30-25-20-15-10
    *Immediately followed with...
    Weighted Pull-ups 5-5-5-5-5

    Jacob 180/70-220/70-270/70-290/70-310/70

    5 Rounds of:
    Shoulder Press, Kettelbell Swing, CTB Pull-up 5/10/15 (Complete all 3 then rest!)

    Jacob 135/2 Pood, 140/2 Pood, 145/2 Pood, 150/2 Pood, 155/2 Pood, 160/2 Pood, 165(PR)/2 Pood

    3 Rounds of:
    Max Hang Clean and Jerk, 155lbs
    Max Dead Hang Pull-ups

    Jacob 6/10, 6/10, 6/10

    Will do another 2 WOD's this PM... It's crunch time!

  4. Did this with a client this am. Finished 10:38. I wasn't trying to blow out my hamstrings for the next 5 days so didn't go balls to the wall. Have had to do a ton of core work with the classes today so not sure what exactly will be doing this afternoon. Will post then, maybe therope climb wod from yesterday.
    Peace out myles

  5. This afternoon I did the So-cal sectional #2 wod
    4 rounds of
    9 #135 squat clean
    6 handstand pushups
    TT 5:22, then rest exactly 20 minutes and do

    30 hang squat snatch #75
    30 chest to bar pull ups
    Row 750
    TT 7:36.
    Feel like I'm going about 80-90% I still have some in the tanks but not much. Talk to ya'll maniana
    Peace out Myles

  6. Got back in the swing of things tonight. But, I have a friend from college in town again, so I came in early (for me) for tonight's WOD.

    TT - 16:52 as Rx'ed

    Pushups really caught up with me in the 7th round. I was at 5 rounds in just over 6+ minutes and it was all downhill from there. I tried to pace myself, but guess that I just got excited in those first couple rounds.

    Looking forward to catching up with Hell-In tomorrow or the day after. Later fellas.

  7. PM session as follows...

    10 Rounds for time of:
    15 Deadlifts, 135lbs
    15 Push-ups

    Jacob 8:48 Rx'd

    "Sit-up Death"

    For time:
    25 Knees to Elbows
    50 V-ups
    75 Glute Ham Sit-ups
    100 Sit-ups

    Jacob 11:31

    I seriously thought I could go sub 10:00 on this one, boy was I wrong!

    I can't even stand up straight...ugh!

  8. Myles, Jacob, you already know it.. but DAMN! You guys are machines. Jacob, that core WOD is retarded dude. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  9. I've been on the road again, and missed SuperMary and this WOD. I think I'll take a pass on the former, but I made up the DL/PUs today.


    DLs were fine, all unbroken, but I did have to take a couple of wind breaks and PUs got slow after the first five.


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