Thursday, March 11, 2010



  1. WODoers: Traveling today so no time for mainsite. I did grace in 3:37. A little slow but my set up is not good and the twice when I dropped the weight it went flying off away from me and I lost a bunch of time. I will go sub 3 when set up is right.

  2. 3:37 is really fast you bad ass.

    Chris came over again this morning. Fun to have a WOD buddy.

    I scaled this a little in honor of my stupid knee. I don't know if I should do DU's anymore... my knee feels like it is going to swell up on me again. Here's a picture from last time it did that.

    This morning's workout

    3 rounds for time of:
    20 Double Unders
    25 L Pull-ups
    20 dumbbell squat cleans, 40 lb dumbbell in each hand


    DBSC's are nasty, they make me have to rest more than I want to. My DU's sucked, and LPU's just take a long time.

    Chris has a jacked up shoulder so he did this:
    Body weight back squat 50 reps
    For every set break it's 20 GHD's

    He did 5 sets of 10 and 100 GHDs. He'll have to post his time I don't know. I was in the war zone.

  3. had to modify this one a bit since I don't have 50lb dumbbells, but I feel it's an honest sub.

    3 rounds for time of:

    30 Double-unders
    25 L Pull-ups
    20 Squat Cleans, 155lbs

    Jacob 21:01 Rx'd

    Game plan on this one was to get through the DU as quick as possible and then do 5 LPU's every 30 seconds, lastly doing 5 squat cleans on the minute. The L-ups where the hardest part to keep pace with, but I think if I went for 6 squat cleans a minute I'd be close to sub 20:00. Next time... when ever that will be?

  4. I'm gonna have to make this one up tomorrow. Been on the road again and made up the DL/PU WOD today, posted there.

  5. Went to my garage tonight to find my bicycle missing. That kind of pissed me off, but not too much I can do about it now. So, I guess it's driving to the gym for the next few months.

    I only got one WOD in tonight. Didn't have time, and am seriously doubting that I would have been able to do a double of this plus "Hell-In" or "Mary on Steroids."

    My L-ups and db cleans are still a bit shaky on form. So, I wouldn't say that my WOD was completely as Rx'ed, but getting there.

    TT - 24:47

    Looks like I'll be in here tomorrow to get one of "Mary on Steroids" or "Hell-In" in. Later fellas.

  6. I had to change/scale this a bit for equipment & other reasons:

    30 box jumps
    25 LPUs (rx'd, although they started to turn into tuck PUs)
    20 DBSC, 30#s

    Still took me 27:50


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