Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8 x 400 90 seconds rest

Downright balmy 8 degrees this a.m. Here is my straight away on the track, only thing that sucks is you have to stop and turn around at the end.


  1. Myles: It would be cool if you could post some of your wods, I am curious to see how you are preparing for the games.

    WODoers: This went better than expected.


    The highschool has a brand new track, I am stoked for spring.

  2. Justin, you are a stud! I say it all the time. Out there running in the snow, and look at those times? WOW! I think you are inspired by Ms. Sandy Bottoms lately.

    I had an appt at 7AM today and I slept like crap because I ate like crap last night: Pizza. I've been very good about eating paleo for quite some time now, so when I eat like crap it hurts me. Blame my wife. I got home, and there it was, a big juicy pizza all hot and steamy. Oh, and a couple of beers too. The stomach bomb dinner.

    But did that stop me from getting up at 5:30 AM and banging out some pukey rowing intervals? No, no it didn't. The ability to WOD is a privelege.

    8x500M rowing intervals.

    Goal was to row @ 1:48 split throughout all 8. Goal accomplished. Average was 1:48 on all 8. Not too tought on the first couple, and by the last 3 it was a mental battle.

  3. Wod this am @ 6. It is one of the sectional wods sort of modified harder
    Warm up 2 rds of 44lb kb twist 20 knees-elbows, 10 burpee laters jumps. Rest 5 minutes then

    row 750
    150 m farmer walk with 2 70 lb kettles
    15 115 lb snatch
    150m farmer walk with 2 53lbers
    12 115 lb snatch
    150 m farmer walk with 2 70lbers
    9 115 lb snatch
    150 m farmer walk with 2 53 lbers.

    TT 14:29
    rest 30 minutes and did a core wod with the class. Rest till this afternoon and will be doing some running if the snow holds out. Peace out Myles

  4. Justin damn good times, holy crap dude.


    I still think I could do this faster on a track, but today it was on the treadmill.

    Later guys.

  5. I did another 1/2 and 1/2 on this one. First 4 rounds of 500m rowing, and last 4 rounds of 400m running.

    Rowing - 2:08 - 2:11 on rounds
    Running - 1:54 - 1:59 on rounds

    Then I did tomorrow's shoulder WOD.


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