Sunday, March 14, 2010

7x1 Weighted Pull-ups


  1. Started off with Hell-In and finished up with weighted PU's. Finally caught up with all you animals.

    Hell-In - 12:21

    PU's - 10, 10, 15, 20f, 10, 20, 20f

    Don't know if kipping is allowed on these or not. I really notice the weight when trying to finish the pull-up - to get my head from right below the bar to right above the bar.

    Later fellas.

  2. BW 214# ish

    So, I have been working out but not posting. Getting ready to get the fuck out of this shit hole!!

    Today I did the back ext, knees to elbow, OHS WOD and it was my last fucking WOD here!!!!!

    I will send you guys a video of my pole barn gym when I get home in a couple weeks. New toys in there to play with. Am excited to get the hell out of here!!!

    Talk to fellas in a few weeks!!

    BTW, right on Kook!!

  3. Morey: Congrats on your last wod in the sand!

    WODoers: Had an oddball 22lb plate and that enabled a 102# pr. Got up to eye/nose level over the bar with 107#s, but couldn't finish it. Oh well maybe next time.


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