Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nor Cal sectional pictures

Got these pictures of Weaver and Myles from their gym's site, thought I would share.


  1. WTF Travis didn't get any of me Flexing my six pack. On that Jerk we had 1 mat to use and I was thinking the whole time that my back foot would fall off. I got under 275 and almost locked out but need to conserve energy for the wod right after. If I would have done 265 I would not have qualified, good thing I grabbed the extra 2.5 pounders and did the 270. New PR from 245 - 270.

  2. That's awesome Myles and Travis, insane! Way to go and congratulations, you earned the hell out of it! The both of you!

  3. Beautiful day for a triple, felt strong today and learned a few things about my squating and deadlifts... they suck! Just kidding...

    Warm Up:
    Deadlift 15-10-5

    Jacob 130-220-270

    WOD #1
    Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

    Jacob 310-320-330-340-350-360-370-380-400-410(PR)

    WOD #2
    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Sumo Deadlift High-Pull, 135lbs
    Row, Calories

    Jacob 5:30 Rx'd

    WOD #3
    Max reps of:
    Overhead Squat, 115lbs (3 Attempts)
    Overhead Squat, 135lbs (3 Attempts)
    *Rest as needed between sets

    Jacob 115lbs 19-20-21, 135lbs 18(PR Tie)-18-16


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