Friday, March 26, 2010

30 Muscle Ups


  1. Seems like every time muscle ups come up I do a different sub! Today's was a first.

    With 20 lb weight vest:

    60 dead hang pullups
    30 ring dips

    TT = 13:24

    Slow grind. Power WOD.

  2. Fucking killed it today. Did a dead hang muscle up in my warm up!!! Then cranked out thirty in 8:28 PMFR. Then waited two minutes and did a muscle up with a twenty pound vest on.

    To top it all off, spending the weekend with Monica. Holy shit life is good to me lately!

  3. Justin, does Monica know her real name is Sandy Bottoms? You might need to tell her that. Good time by the way dude. You beast. Justinius the Strong.

    Forgot to mention that this weekend is the NorCal sectional. Go Tornado! Go Myles!

    Also, Chris hasn't been posting cos his therapist thinks he has a torn rotator. He thinks he did that back around Christmas time during that crazy bench press WOD where you do 1RM, then 20, etc.

    Cancer sucks. I know three of people that have it right now. Two of them are in their 30's!!! I hate it.

    This morning I was also doing some GHD's with both hands to the floor. Never done that. Really stretched me out!

  4. Hey guys, I made a visit to the therapist on Wednesday. The news was not good. He recommended that I go see a surgeon to have the shoulder thoroughly checked out. At the very least he said I have tendonitis, but if he was a betting man he said possibly a torn rotator. Next up is a visit to the surgeon on Wednesday.

    To say the least I’m very down about the whole thing. This may be the end of my CrossFitting days, for at least a little while anyway. So there you have it, that’s all the information I have for now.

    Cancer does suck. We just lost a close friend to brain cancer. She was diagnosed in August, died in October. Life is way too short. Live it to the fullest, enjoy your family and friends and most importantly your kids. That is if you have any of the little brats running around. :)

    Oh yeah, I did back squats and some core stuff instead of the OHS WOD. I may be down, but I’m not out. If this is what I have to look forward to turning 40 in July, I want my money back.

    Peace out fellas.

  5. Ad this to the list:

  6. Well today I kind of went through the motions of what it would have been like to do the Mountain Sectionals WOD's 1 and 3, but not 2. My lower legs are too beaten up after doing box jumps to run. I can say with total certainty I would not have been able to pull off a top 3 finish their, those WOD's are not my kinda thing... but we'll see.

    Warm Up:
    Snatch 5-4-3-2-1

    Jacob 90-110-120-130-140

    WOD 1
    Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


    WOD 2 (Mountain Sectionals WOD 3)
    As many rounds in 10 minutes of:
    6 Squat Cleans, 135lbs
    9 CTB Pull-ups
    12 Box Jumps, 24"

    Jacob 6 Rounds +2 Squat Cleans, 6.07 Score (Mountain Sectional top 5 score spread 6.22-5.78)

    I did this WOD with 145lb Squat Cleans cause I had 2 25lb bumpers on each side left over from my snatch attempts.

    WOD 3
    For time:
    30 Muscle-ups

    Jacob 3:53

    I think if I had done WOD 1 from the mountain sectionals my best option would have been to pull a 150 on the snatch and just do as many muscle ups in 11 minutes or so. I've done 60 muscle ups for time in 10 minutes so I feel safe in estimating my score to fall in the 280's range, but that still would have only put me in the top 15 and knocked me out of the top 5 running most likely.

  7. Sweet God! So Funny... So Sad!

  8. Chris:

    That is harsh news if it is the rotator. However, you have to try and find a way to make a positive out of it. The is a great journal article about training through injuries. I think you can get it from Fletcher. You won't have to quit x fitting, you will just have to work around it.

  9. Justin you are right on. I've watched a couple Kelly Starrett videos on the journal and he emphasizes how important it is to continue with CrossFit after an injury. "surgery on Friday, back in the gym on Monday"

    I guess I never looked at it that way. I've got to continue in some way with the Fit, because it's too important to me to give up on. Hopefully it's not as bad as I think. Thanks for the positive input.

  10. Fletcher, I'm like you; I've never done this one the same way twice. Today I did MU progressions (from knees, rings at armpit height):

    30 in 6:40
    50 in 12:40

    Then I started a PU/RD ladder, deadhang PUs and RDs from the top. I went thru 7 rounds, still had time but then the dinner bell rang...

  11. My buddy Sean goes "If you can do all of those weighted dead hang pullups and ring dips why can't you do muscle ups?"

    I really don't know. It's the transition that gets me.

  12. Fletcher, I hear you. My problem is my LOFT: Lack Of Fucking Tissue (muscle, that is...)


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