Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday 3/21: Rowing and DB Snatches

For time:
Row 1K
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 50 reps
Row 750m
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 35 reps
Row 500m
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 20 reps

These are one-arm squat snatches, alternating arms.


  1. Dudes - Took the weekend off, was out of town at that fund raiser.

    I liked this WOD. I cost myself some time though, because for the first say 75 DB snatches I put the DB all the way on the ground every time and switched hands. I think you only have to go down to bar height, about 8" from the ground. The second half of round two and round three that's what I did and that really speeds things up. I did alternate hands every rep, that also slows ya down.

    Went full ass below knees and full extension at the top every rep too. I did them in front of the mirror just to make damn sure.

    21:38 RX'd and then some.

    I could do this sub 20 if I did it the way I was saying here... I betchya. Going all the way to the floor and switching winds you a lot more

  2. WODoers: I did a fun wod on Sunday. I just ran for about 35 minutes, but everytime I came to a bridge or intersection, I did a full out backwards windsprint through the intersection or across the bridge. Through in some box jumps on concrete highway dividers with a pretty good fall off the other side.

    I think I will add three burpees everytime I see a car, just to fuck with people even more next time.

  3. I'm back bitches.

    What a week. Our power went out last Saturday (3/13) during that nasty storm that came through, it looked like we got hit with a hurricane. We were in the dark all the way thru Thursday. What a fucking mess. Anyway, we took off Wed nite for Stratton, last ski trip of the year, and had a blast. Surprisingly good skiing for late March, and we got four good days in & came back last nite (Sun). So I ended up taking my longest CF break since I started, almost a full week and a half (I wasn't able to WOD in the basement in the dark). The only downside - or upside, maybe! - is that I think I drank more over the past week than I had all year prior. Good thing I didn't give that up for Lent...

    Anyway, I got back into it today w/ the Sunday row/snatch WOD.

    23:30 as rx'd

    Fletcher, you beat me asshole. I tried my best to get full ROM on the snatches, but I don't think I got all the way past parallel on the last 20. Great WOD to come back to though.


  4. Hey guys, just getting back into myself after a few days rest. I'm trying to lay low with my shoulder. I'm supposed to see a physical therapist but my appointment got cancelled. Hopefully this week.

    I doubled up on the WOD's today so I'm on schedule with HQ.

    Subbed 800,600 and 400 meter runs for rows
    Dumbbell snatches as RX'd, my form wasn't spectacular, but I got the work done.

    TT: 18:14

    Now that I've experienced rowing there is no comparison. Rowing definitely kicks your ass more. Unless your name is Jacob.

    15 minutes rest then...

  5. Chas, seems like with heavy stuff I have a little bit of an advantage and with metcon you often whoop me, and with rowing we're even. This one was a little of all of that. I'd guess the reason I got you here was your 10 days off and all that booze!


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