Thursday, March 4, 2010

OHS + Deads

Rounds of 21 - 15 - 9

135# OHS
225# Dead Lift


  1. What up fellas? Mama J made it to H-town safe and sound. My favorite story so far has been the one she had from eavesdropping on the flight from SLC - Houston.

    Man - "I think there was a baseball team in the SLC airport."

    Woman - "Oh, why do you think that?"

    Man - "Because they all were carrying baseball mitts."

    Then the guy sitting next to her heard Ma laughing at their conversation and she has to apologize for eavesdropping.

    And, the WOD for tomorrow. I had to sub 95# OHS for 135#. 135# made my shoulders and wrists feel like they were going to fall off. Anyway,

    TT = 11:13

    And, to San Antonio tomorrow. I love not going to work!! Later fellas.

  2. When I saw this WOD, the first thing I thought was "better do the morning poop BEFORE this one."

    Justin, you are so damn strong. When I saw this post I thought "who in the hell could do this WOD RX'd?" There's nothing to take you out of your comfort zone like the good ol OHS.

    I scaled this back to 115 for the first 11, then took it down to 105.

    15 minutes

    I felt sluggish today

  3. That was so much harder than it looked on paper.

    DL 225-225-225
    OHS 115-105-105


  4. I'm a day behind. I felt like ass yesterday with my bronchitis. Probably not a great idea to workout but I'm addicted what can I say.

    Justin great work doing this RX'd. I scaled to 115 and it was still hard for me. OHS are not my strong point

    TT: 11:34

    I posted a video of my box. :) Enjoy!


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