Monday, March 29, 2010

DU BJ24" 1.5PKB


  1. Myles: Awesome!

    WODoers: Did run 400 for du sub and used the old 75er for the swings. This wod fucking destroyed me. Could barely run by round two, I can't imagine how bad the double unders would suck. I need a new rope. Broke mine in sub zero temps last time dus came up.

    Glad I did this in the yard on grass. Rep 27 in round 5 on the box jumps ended in disaster for me. Lost my concentration and kicked the ladder straight out from under me...brutal kidney strike on the ground. Took a second to regain composure and finish. TT: 32:18 of suck.

  2. Thanks Justin, damn what a weekend. Time to start training for real. So many people at this contest insane lifters and runners. I was driving home and found out I was in 11th then 4 hours later saw that I got bumped to 18th so I was nervous to wake up and see myself in 21st. The workouts were big guy favored again, no good bodyweight test. The guy thats 2nd is like 6'8" and 275, probably cant do 2 muscle ups in a row but can do a 325 C&J. I look forward to the next level hopefully it's a true Crossfit Test.
    Rest day for me today by the way, Peace out, Myles

  3. Myles, sorry about that phone call to Weaver last night where I was convinced you were in third based on the site. What I later realized is that they hadn't added all of the points for everyone yet, so you DID show up in third, but I didn't scroll all of the way down to see all of the blank entries for so many athletes.

    Justin, your subs were over compensatory dude! WTF? You are a glutten for punishment.

    I have lied twice lately. First was when I said I was going to do weighted Murph. Didn't cos I wasn't feeling 100% and Justin warned me on that one too... said he was seeing things afterwards :-). Second was that I was going to row 2K. I was going to yesterday but I was at the park and swimming pool with my daugther so long that we ran late for our plans last night, just ran out of time. For me, I really have to feel good before I try to tackle a 2K row PR. Soon though.

    This WOD was an ass kicker. Instead of 40 double unders I did 20 double unders and 20 squats. I suck at DU's lately, really bad... and my doc said not to even jump rope. I did anyway. I honestly think I would have shaved a full few minutes off of my time if I had subbed 40 tuck jumps. DU's take me a long time.

    TT = 24:23

    All sets of KBS unbroken, not that that is very impressive, but hey, at least something was unbroken. :-)

    Myles - GO GO GO!!! You are the man. Good job.

  4. Myles was to kick some serious ass dude!

    What's up guys? Can I just tell you it feels great to do a WOD again. Granted I had to sub, but it was awesome to get the heart rate up and get some sweat flowing.

    50 Single's for the DU's
    30 20" box jumps
    20 1.5 pood KB Swings

    TT: 20:19

    I couldn't go full ROM on the KB swings for obvious reasons, but I went eye level with them. Yesterday I broke out the ABRipperX and did some running.

    I'm going to stay active as much as possible and do the WOD's as best I can until I'm told otherwise.

    Later guys.

  5. I subbed out the DUs so I wouldn't have to run between rooms to get the garage clearance I'd need. Instead I did 5 rounds of:

    20 burpees
    30 BJs as rx'd
    20 KBs as rx'd

    TT: 24:20

  6. Way to go Myles!... I knew you had it in the bag the whole time though. Awesome job!

  7. Started off with thrusters then moved to today's WOD.

    As Rx'ed - TT = 29:53

    Killed the DU's in rounds 1, 3, and 4 - 30+ straight. Otherwise, split up into 2 sets.

    Later fellas.


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