Tuesday, March 2, 2010

7x3 Shoulder Press


  1. Did this one after my running / rowing WOD.

    115, 135, 155f, 145, 155x2, 135, 135

    Mama J comes to town tomorrow night. So, I might miss a couple of the next cycle. Later fellas.

  2. WODoers:


    I had to remember that I needed emotional content to make this happen. Once I got focused the weight went up. I am pretty sure the 155 x3 is a pr but I couldn't find the last time we did this.

  3. This is my goat! My shoulders just aren't so strong for my BW. I did 3 ring dips in between each set too, utilizing the Justinian Goat Theorem (work those goats).

    Part of my warm-up: Bar x 20 reps
    Highly recommend this. I could actually feel heat in my shoulders after that set. It warmed them!

    95-115-120-130-135-140(x2, failed third)-135x2 (failed third again)

    + 21 ring dips for good measure

    Tomorrow for rest day I am going to walk the dogs 40 minutes with a 30 lb weight vest on. Active rest in the AM. Great weather this week, I love a beautiful morning so I am already looking forward to this! Life is good fellas, life is good.

  4. Did the Crossfit Football wod today
    Power clean (used 185)
    Strict pull ups
    TT 14:24.
    Gonna Work on Clean& Jerk and snatch today 1RM's

  5. I made a promise to myself that I was going to start doing the workouts in the morning. Needless to say that has happened. Once I get back from Denver next week it's on, I promise. I need a change in my routine. I'm suffering from a case of the workout blues. Maybe this will do it.

    Shoulder Press:
    Warmup - w/Oly bar x 20
    WOD - 115x3,135x3,140x3,145x3,150x3,155x2,160x1

    I did some light bench press afterwards just for fun.

    Bench Press:
    Warmup - 135x10
    Workout - 185x8,185x8,185x8
    Cooldown - 135x10

    Later guys.

  6. On the road again, I missed the running WOD but made up SP today:



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