Sunday, March 7, 2010

H E L L - I N


  1. Pr from this in September was 10:33 RX'd. Not running anymore so I subbed rowing, which in this case is rough because there is no break for the forearms like you get with running. Argh!!

    10:58, arms are all messed up. Great WOD.

    Skipped yesterday cos I did like 2 hours of vigorous yard work and my knee was agitated from the day before. Knee is still bothered.

    Chris will be out here this week on business, so we're gonna WOD!

  2. Hello everybody!

    Been on vacation the last week in Hawaii and was living the good life over at Crossfit Maui. PR'd a OHS at 205x3 and did Fran in front of a crowd in the gym after they finished one of their classes, got a 2:56. It's different when a bunch of strangers and trainers are watching you and expecting to see something spectacular, but I was happy with my time and they are some top notch people out their so it was a blast.

    I'm going to be updating my site with all the cool WOD's I did in Hawaii, so check it out.

    Also I love the "Show me your box" entree's. I'll be sure to post mine soon.

    On a lighter note... Helen sucked today, I wasn't going to workout since I just got back from Hawaii an hour ago, but this 40 degree rainy Chicago weather was too much to resist.


    3 Rounds for time of:
    400m Run
    21 KBS, 1.5 Pood
    12 Pull-ups

    Jacob 7:16

  3. WODoers:

    Did a what a nice run yesterday morning. Was out in 15 minutes at about a 8:30 to 8:45/mile pace, and I wanted a negative split. When I turned around I realized in had been downhil and downwind the whole way, so way happy with my return time of 14:54. Felt good to run again, it has been way too long since the main site went for a run.

    Oh yeah, I figured out one of the keys to her cute little butt, apparently Sketchers Shape Ups actually work very well!

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  6. Rowing Helen (500m pieces)

    9:58 PR by 1min

  7. I'm caught up now after today's WOD. Started with Hell-In and finished with weighted PU's.

    Hell-In as Rx'ed - 12:21

    Broke up the first set of pu's, but did everything un-broken after that. Running at a 7 1/2 minute per mile pace and feeling good. Later fellas.


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