Tuesday, March 30, 2010

7x1 Split Jerks


  1. Got another double in tonight. Good call Kook on the shoulder workout.

    135x5, 165, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235f

    I had sharp pains in my wrists tonight when I got to 165, so I found some wrist wraps. I assumed this wasn't as bad as using wrist wraps on deads or cleans because they weren't enhancing my grip. But, they helped support my wrists none the less. So, I cheated.

    Later fellas.

  2. Hey guys, I did a killer self made WOD today. Heavy split jerks and Craig's knee = NO. But shoulders are a goat of mine, so I spanked them. Combining a ton of pushups with a ton of SP is NASTY on the shoulders. They get all hot and bothered, like Sandy Bottoms on weekends!!

    Bar x 10 SP (slow motion)
    10 "honest" pushups
    Bar x 10 SP (slow motion)
    10 "honest" pushups
    75 x 7 SP
    10 "honest" pushups
    75 x 7 SP
    10 "honest" pushups
    95 X 5 SP
    10 "honest" pushups
    100 X 5 SP
    10 "honest" pushups
    110 X 4 SP
    10 "honest" pushups
    10 GHDs (slow-mo, both hands to floor)
    10 BE's (Slow-mo)
    115 X 4 SP
    10 "honest" pushups
    10 GHDs (slow-mo, both hands to floor)
    10 BE's (Slow-mo)
    120 X 4 SP
    10 "honest" pushups
    10 GHDs (slow-mo, both hands to floor)
    10 BE's (Slow-mo)
    125 X 2 SP
    10 "honest" pushups
    10 GHDs (slow-mo, both hands to floor)
    10 BE's (Slow-mo)

  3. WODoers:

    No spring in my step today. Did full squat clean and jerk. So fucking sore it is crazy, been a while since I felt like this.

    135,155,185,200,215f,215,225,240f f

    Fuccck! I got under 240 but couldn't pull it off. I am a pussy after last two days and heavy thrusters. Lower back is crushed. Seriously considering shelling out the $750 for the roughe reverse hyper.

  4. Another strength day, which is exactly what this beanpole needs more of! Power clean & jerk:


    I made a PR by 10#, so that's good even though I've got a lot of catching up to do with you guys. I love the way going overhead gets the nerves firing.

    I also got in another 100 GHDs between lifts, and then did some handstand holds just because I've never done them before. 3x1min.

  5. Um dudes kinda still sore, but gots to get to work! Thanks for all the support. Craig don't eat SOY PROTEIN. Soy will increase estrogen, and dudes don't need that shit. As a post wod eat whey or egg protein with a bunch of fruit. (IE water, 1 cup frozen fruit, 20-40 grams of protein, fiber powder. You need the carbs to restock the glucogin in the muscles. As for a meal replacement I use rice and pea protein with fruit, almond butter for fat, fiber, and some greens. Todays wods
    6 am-
    7 rounds of 3 #185 front squats
    7 l pull ups
    Wod #2 3 pm
    row 500, 15 #135 snatchs, 20 chin ups, 30 box jumps
    Row 300 10 #135 snatches, 10 chin ups, 15 box jumps
    TT 11:13.
    Tomorrow will be my rest day so I will shred the 32" of fresh powder we got last night!
    Peace out

  6. Tried to do the 30 MU's WOD tonight. I was trying to find a good way to work up to the MU's, but keep coming back to jumping MU's.

    30 jumping MU's - TT = 10:33

    Variations - I tried kind of a diagonal ring pull-up with a ball under my feet. This way, I could keep some balance on my feet as my feet went from in front of me to behind me but use my arms to do the pull-up and get used to the transition from PU to dip. Didn't work out as planned. I also tried without the ball. Anyway, looking forward to the rest day. Later fellas.

  7. Flecter:

    The rack my help my sore vagina, but I think the reverse hyper will do more for my sore lower back.


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