Friday, September 17, 2010

165# thruster muscle up 9,6,3


  1. 9:20 as rx'd

    I think Rob Orlando must have hydralic fluid running through his veins to crank this out sub 3.

  2. No kidding Kook. I like to see those times posted on the main site, but it's so deceiving.

    17:12, 3:1 sub

    Dips and thrusters felt terrible this morning. Have a good weekend. Later fellas.

    Fletch, did you get any cf converts from your hotel adventures?

  3. I bet Myles will crush this one. I'm just hoping to get a sub 5:00. I must say though, Orlando didn't turn out his muscle-ups, like that Austin guy did in his 3:14... so I bet he'd be in the threes if he had to do that.

  4. Fran, then Fat Fran, and now...what, Franroids?

    I went back and checked the last thruster-only WOD, and my 3RM was 170#. So at first I thought about scaling this one, but then just worked up to 165 and did those as rx'd. I did the MUs off my knees.

    TT = 13:05, with most of the time spent on thrusters

    I practiced the MUs for a while beforehand and got to the point where I was making the switch and catch all in the air, so they ended up being more like jumping MUs for the WOD. After today, I think if I hung my rings somewhere outside I'd be able to do it.

  5. Oh and I felt like I kind of gipped myself out of the PU portion of the MUs, so I rested a bit then strapped on a 1pd kb and did 5 sets of weighted pullups.

  6. "Franroids"
    9-6-3 reps for time of:
    Thruster, 165lbs

    Jacob 5:15 Rx'd (Bwt. 169lbs)

    Got the 9's unbroken which surprised the hell out of me, then 4-2/2-2-2 and 3/1-1-1.
    Felt good though. I did it at the FD and have it on tape so I'll try to upload it tonight. It looked cool, and I turned out my muscle-ups.

  7. Not today dudes we have a competition Saturday morning at our gym. We are competing against a gym from Reno. Me legs are a little shakey we did 3 rep back squats yesterday I got 335lbs wearing my vibram 5 finger shoes. I will try this one on Monday. Travis and I are trying to get our hands on another location abut 20 minutes away in a neighboring town. We want to take over around these parts. Send us the good vibes.

  8. Franroids - I like that, men. Got home from Austin last night so did Kelly today since I can't lift heavy. Posted there. Got a big PR!


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