Thursday, September 23, 2010

SP 3-3-3-3-3-3-3


  1. 115x3,125x3,135x3,145x3,155x3tie pr,160x2 pr

    Got a two rep pr but that bastard just wasn't going up for three. I think next time I will skip 155 and see what happens.

  2. We are doing 1 rep max clean and jerk today in our gym.
    Previous pr was 270-
    New pr 280.
    We are finalizing our next gym a 2100 sq ft house of pain. A few more steps and we are in.

  3. Disappointing day. I made no progress on this one since we last did it in March.

    115-115-125-125-135f, pushed it out-115-125

    Weak sauce. I finished up w/ some bigger sets of 115 PP to feel like I at least did something today. Also got in about 50 deadhang PUs.

  4. Way to go on the PR's Myles and Justin... Myles I don't know how you do it! I can hang clean 260 and split jerk it on good days, but never once squat cleaned 245. I know if I ever want to squat heavy I'd have to get knee surgery to fix the pains in my right knee. Oh well... if I'm in school I probably won't even have time to WOD.

    Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3

    Jacob 135-145-155-165-170x1

    PISSED should have been a PR for 3!!!... PR is 165x5, never 170+ other then singles.

  5. Myles that is awesome about the new gym. Lewis and Weaver Associates, LLC.

    I got home at 10 last night, good to be home. I got two full weeks of Dell indoctrination, now I am ready to sell "The Efficient Enterprise" and "Best Value Solutions"... or, whatever.

    I went back to the chipper from two days ago. I subbed 1.5 pood for the KBS (back) and I didn't sub anything for the rope climbs, I just skipped them because my shoulders are still totally smoked from that hotel WOD I did (try it, by the way, I think it will hurt you!).

    TT 16 minutes right on the nose. I was happy with that. I am getting better at pushing where as before I would have rested more... lately I just keep going.

  6. No shoulder press for me obviously. So it was AMSAO in 20 minutes. What does AMSAO stand for you ask? But of course, As Many Sam Adam's Octoberfest.

    I got me a big ole PMFR on that, 2 beers in 20 minutes. Mission accomplished!!

    Enjoy the weekend guys

  7. Myles and Travis:

    That is awesome news! Send some picture to the blog.

  8. Chris - only two in 20 minutes? Surely you can do better than that!

  9. Mama J came into town Friday, but I got this workout in before she came to town.

    Warmed up with my rope jumping workout - 3 rounds of:

    300 singels, one minute rest
    50 DU's to complete 1,000 jumps

    TT - 9:42

    Shoulder Press:
    135, 145, 155, 165x1, 165, 175 ppx3, 135x5

    I'm going to have to drage myself away from these afternoon NFL games to go get a double in here in a bit. Later fellas.


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