Friday, September 10, 2010



  1. 40:16 used 115# barbell cause no dumbbells otherwise as rx'd. Very tough.

  2. Nice Justin. This was one of the toughest I've done in a while, put me on my back for a full song afterwards, giant sweat pool.

    TT 31:58

    Subbed 800M rows and 30 lb dumbbells (back). Had 29 on the clock with burpees to go so I resolved to do 1 burpee every six seconds go get sub 32. And that's what killed me.

  3. Oh... wanted to add that during a mental battle like this one where you consider quitting, for me anyway... I just keep saying "one more rep", because all you have to do is one more rep...... until you're D O N E!

    I'll make up a scaled Fran later. 65 lb thrusters or so. Last time I did 95 lb thrusters I had sharp knifing pains in my back for days.

  4. Finally got a long time goal complete
    200 lb snatch this morning Body weight is 180 currently with clothes on

  5. Man, this one was tough. I'm sure I'll be a hurting unit tomorrow morning. I subbed 40# db's because of my vag.

    TT - 41:30

    The last round about killed me. It's nice having an indoor track to use that has measured distances. My arms were shaking for about 45 minutes after this workout. Finally starting to feel mostly normal now. Later fellas.

  6. Good work guys. I did 1k rows and 95# barbell for SCs.

    TT = 44:05

    I really, really felt like quitting during set 2 of burpees. Just sat down and thought about calling it after 2rds. Then I thought of that video - have you guys ever seen it, look it up on YouTube - of that badger that kills the cobra. The badger gets bit during the fight, and it curls up next to the dead cobra. Then like 45 minutes later, the fucker wakes up, and the first thing it does? It crawls over and eats that damn snake.

    I have no idea why that popped into my head, but as soon as it did I knew there was no way I wasn't finishing this thing.

  7. I think I want a tatoo of a honey badger now.

  8. This blog rules. Chazzletons, way to stick it out buddy butt. Nice! You didn't die.

    Did you see what's on tap for tomorrow. Coach is evil.

    I didn't just say "buddy butt" did I?

    I call my two year old son that. I guess it's OK to call people I have never met in person on the CrossFit blog the same thing, right? We're all kids here aren't we?


  9. My shoulders are soooo sore... it's hard to do just normal things. And then we have "The Seven". What?

  10. Sorry guys... got into the Red Zinfandel last night, a bit too much. Then what do I do? Hey, let's go write stupid ridiculous things on the blog.... obviously I need to get out more.


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