Monday, September 13, 2010

Fat Fran


  1. Pull ups killed me. 10:59 as rx'd

  2. What is up everyone... I really should get back on the wagon and just HQ it up, plus whatever I can muster. Heavy Fran went as expected today almost to the second... I was 3 seconds slower then I wanted, but oh well. Still a P to the R!

    Heavy Fran
    15-12-9 reps for time of:
    Thruster, 135lbs
    Pull-ups, +45lbs

    Jacob 5:33 (45lb Vest)


    Video is up on my blog.

    Then hit up...

    3 Rounds for time of:
    10 Tire Flips
    800m Run

    Jacob 11:33 (3:45, 4:00 and 3:48)

  3. I'm trying to get going on the morning workout train now since all of my classes are late afternoon/evening or bright and early on Tu/Th. So, today was the first day of hopefully a new routine.

    Warm-up + 1 Mile Run - 9:31, almost :50 faster than last week

    Fat Fran - TT 10:19, no weight on pullups.

    I tried to hold a 10#db with my feet on the first few, but it fell. I'll have to come up with something next time.

    Later fellas.


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