Sunday, September 26, 2010

Minutes of pull ups


  1. Missed fgb due to opening goose season. We smoked em pretty good yesterday and today. Gonna get me a dehydrator and make me some jerky.

    Today I warmed up with 2 minutes of muscle ups. same as the minutes pull ups only you get 2 minutes per round. I made it through 8 rounds and then only could get 3 in round nine. I would love to see Travis and Myles go head to head and show do on this. Then I went straight into minutes of pullups on the rings. Got 14 and 9 for a pr on the rings.

    Cool thing. Monica got me a polar heart rate watch. No wonder crossfit works my heart rate got up to 179 on both the muscle ups and pull ups. Peace.

  2. Goose.

    I've now almost missed this entire WOD set, so I've got some making up to do. Way too much college football, watching my Yankees slump into the finish, and closing out the summer yardwork. Oh well. I might double up tomorrow and catch up during rest day before I hit the road this week.

    Justin, I will gladly give you my address and pay shipping and your asking price for some jerky. Let me know.

  3. Mama J left at about noon today. So, I watched football the rest of the day before mustering up enough motivation to get going.

    Warm-up mile - 9:21

    Pull-ups - 11 full rounds + 8

    Then, on to FGB, 225 total. Will post over there.

    Felt like hell to start out today after dining out all weekend, but was happy with the FBG. Later fellas.

  4. Pullups 14 rounds, a pr by 2rounds. I made it through 9 rounds w/ deadhangs, then started swinging after that. I think I might have been able to squeeze out the 15 but stopped there to rest before making up FGB.


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