Wednesday, September 29, 2010



  1. Someone took my mojo this moring. Everything was heavy and slow. I only have the old 75'er so it was 2 pood for me.
    8 rounds and 4 push press

  2. 13 rounds with sore as fuck hamstrings. Glad to have that over. The 115 pps got heavy.

  3. Tried the OPT deal for WOD 1 then 1/2 HQ. There is no way in hell I could have gotten another 7 rounds on the second 10. Not after how I felt.

    WOD #1 (From OPT Blog)
    A. Build to a tough 1 in the back squat - high bar @ 40X0
    rest 10 min
    B. Take 85% of this score and perform AMRAP @ 40X0
    (the X in this amrap test is intent and not speed, weight may just get there but NO rest at top and adhere to lowering speed)
    rest 10 min
    C. DB Split Squat @ 3010; amrap/leg @ 1/3 BWT per hand with DB's -1 set per leg; rest 2 min b/t legs
    (warm up to get to this weight by performing a few reps before hand with increasing loads)
    D. Sorensen test - amsap - 1 attempt
    (get into your back extension machine, tuck chin in, cross hands at chest elbows pointing down and hold the static position for as long as possible WITHOUT lowering from the table top position at top)

    Jacob (Hgt. 6'0", Bwt. 167lbs)
    A. 285lbs (low bar position, high bar was hurting my neck too much.)
    B. 245lbs x12 reps (PR)
    C. 55lb Dumbbells R:40, L:25 (rear leg not elevated on either set)
    D. 115 seconds

    Only took 2 minutes of rest between transitions

    Failed 3 times going for 300lbs on the back squat, but happy with getting 12 reps at 245lbs.

    WOD #2
    1/2 "Jack"

    Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
    115 pound Push press, 10 reps
    10 KB Swings, 1.5 pood
    10 Box jumps, 24 inch box

    Jacob 7 Rounds

  4. Guys... I had the largest fire I've ever seen in my life on Sunday. The damn thing burned for over a full day. I posted some amazing pictures and what little video footage I could find.

    Check it out... Words cannot describe how amazing it looked!

  5. I felt unmotivated as well today. But, I am going to adopt Myles' theory that if I don't reach my goal before the WOD I have to run a mile after....after today. I had a goal of 10 rounds for today's WOD.

    as Rx'ed - 9 rounds + 2 PP

    I was pretty gassed at the 10 minute mark with 5 rounds completed. Then, was only able to complete 4 more rounds by the full 20 minutes.

    On to stats homework and a presentation on Sun Microcystems case study. Later fellas.

  6. My legs & back are still crushed from the DL/PU WOD I made up on Tues. Made this one up today, but boy did it go heavy. Same guy got my mojo too, Justin.

    7 rounds, barely (19:55)

  7. I subbed 4 handstand pushups per round over the push presses (115 lb push press used to feel pretty light for me before my back broke, and HSPU’s are really hard so I thought this was fair. Now that I see I tied Myles I know for damn sure it wasn't fair cos I am nowhere NEAR Myles material. Next time I shall do more HSPU's)

    13 rounds in 20:08. Couldn’t quite get that last round done before the buzzer went off but finished er out.

    Felt shaky afterwards… still feeling woozy. I went hard, really hard.


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