Saturday, September 11, 2010



  1. No seven for me to sore.

    So 3rds
    run 400m
    7 L pull ups
    14 95# push presses
    21 GHD situps


    good fun wod

  2. I am really sore today too, and The Seven was one of the harder ones I can remember doing, so Chelle and I agreed that we will do this one together tomorrow before I fly to Austin for 5 days of 10 hours a day training, then back for two days, then back to Austin for 5 MORE days of training. Hotel WODs in my future.

  3. I also wasn't up to the challenge of the 7 Levels of Hell. I did some warm-up stuff to try to get rid of the soreness and ran a mile instead. Looking forward to the day off. And, I'm totally stoked for tomorrows NFL games!

    Later fellas.

  4. I was kind of upset that I didn't feel more sore this morning. Because that meant that I should have had time for the Seven before we went out for Oysterfest here in the CT. These Saturday mornings have a tendency to sneak past you though, and soon enough Chas time was past and family time was upon me. It'll have to happen tomorrow.

    I looked at the old posts and it looks like the last time this WOD came up was Memorial Day weekend, so I missed it then b/c of surfing. No waves this weekend though, so I've got no excuse. Sunday Seven it is then! I've just got to figure out how heavy I load the DLs; that heel issue (acorn? plantar facsiitis?) hasn't gone away and I'm pretty sure it was the DLs from the 3 bars of death last week that did it.

    As my wife is wont to say, Suck it up Buttercup. So I think 245 it is.

    Or is that Suck it up Buddy Butt...

  5. I crushed this WOD compared to last time, but too bad Chris is hurt cos he kicked my arse last time.

    Here's my perf last time:
    7 HSPUs
    15 wall balls
    175M Row damper on 10
    1 pood KBS (she said no KBS, oh well)

    TT = 37:56 total beatdown

    Today I did:
    7 Handstand push-ups
    75 pound Thruster, 7 reps (last time I did 65 lb thrusters I regretted it, so taking a chance)
    7 Knees to elbows
    Row 200M damper @10 (a time sucker)
    7 Burpees
    7 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
    7 Pull-ups

    TT 34:14. HSPU's were the hardest part, as usual. Did all other sets unbroken save two sets of burpees where I rested a few seconds. Did rest some between sets, otherwise my time woudl be uhhh.... a lot faster?

    Captain Buddy Butt

    Headed to Austin tonight.

    Get it done Chaz!! Boys!! This is a drainer. Just keep going, and eventually you'll be done. Words of wisdom, I know.

  6. Late one last nite, so I had lots of cobwebs to clean out during this one. Got'er done though. I scaled a bit: 115# thrusters, 225#DL, 1.5pd KB (I don't have a 2).



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