Sunday, September 5, 2010



  1. Hey boys. One rest day didn't do it for me after last week. I woke up on Sat morning with some wicked pain in my right heel. It's one of two things: One, I was hanging out w/ my son Fri night chipping golf balls in the backyard. I was barefoot and I think I may have stepped on an acorn and bruised my foot. Two - and I hope I'm just being paranoid - I did some reading on plantar fasciitis and what I feel sounds just like what I read. I worry about this especially after doing Linda on Friday, with its DLs and SCs, which I guess could have flattened out my foot arch and yanked the plantar fascia.

    So we'll see. But there was no way I was going running today. (Also, we had a busy Labor Day Sunday, which entailed me driving all over thru the morning and then drinking lots of cold frostys.) I'll see how it feels on Monday. If it's still barking, I think I'll make up the non-running parts of Severin. I've banged my heel before, and that's what this feels like. But like I said, I'm kind of paranoid - a little information is dangerous, as they say - so hopefully I'm just overdiagnosing a bad acorn encounter.

    Anyway, happy Labor Day boys! My only real complaint is that I missed out on some tasty Hurricane Earl waves...

  2. Way to pound out the Hero WOD Justin... I don't have that kind of dedication lately.

    Crossfit Milestone!!!!

    Finally got a bodyweight+ Snatch! Shit yeah!!!

    Warm Up:

    WOD #1
    10 minute work up 1RM Clean
    10 minutes Max HSPU 4" parralettes head to ground
    10 minutes Airdyne,Max Calories

    Jacob Clean 260lbs (PR!), HSPU 60, Airdyne 173

    Score 493

    WOD #2
    Complete 1 set progression every 30 seconds until failure of:
    1 L-Pull-up
    2 CTB Pull-ups (Dead Hang)
    3 Toes to Bar
    *Cant let go of bar in order to count set.

    Jacob 20 sets

    WOD #3
    Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

    9acob 95-105-115-125-135-145-155-165-175(PR!)-185(Failed x3)

    So pumped right now, feeling strong!

  3. Way to kick some butt guys!!!!

    I did a wimpier version of this, but it didn't feel wimpy to me. I did a 105 minute mtn bike ride Sunday (climbed 1,700 feet!), rested yesterday.

    I had to cut it short because of a conference call.... I did the pullups and hands off floor pushups RX'd, then I did a 2K row.

    TT 23 minutes

    strict pullups went about 6:40
    pushups went about 8 minutes
    row went 7:50 ish

    Will do today's WOD tomorrow...


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