Monday, September 20, 2010

Deads x 3, HSPU


  1. It looks like we're all a day late on this one. This WOD was a bit shaky for me. I didn't really push the deads too hard being that I haven't lifted heavy in about 3 months. Anyway,

    275/4, 315/7, 315/7, 315/4, 315/6

    Later fellas.

  2. I kinda misread this as 1 rep, but the bar was slick and I had no chaulk so I couldn't really do it as perscribe anway.


    Today did a little maintenace work out. 8 rounds of 60 yard sled drag and 10 ghd situps. trying to keep hamstrings strong for 1/2 marathon on October 9th. This time going to try it with nothing over 5k for training, unless main site does 10k.

  3. I did my HSPU to an abmat, still getting there. But they felt good. DLs did too - I guess we haven't done those in a while. Or at least I haven't.

    275/6, 295/5, 315/7, 325/7, 335/5

    I think that 335 is a 3RM pr.

    Waves out east here were HUGE yesterday. Nobody went out; the outside sets were breaking a good 3/4 mile out and looked a good 15 feet, a couple maybe more. I've only seen them bigger here back in 2003 during hurricane Fabian. They looked awesome, and clean too, but there was nothing but rip and chop inside. My buddy and I just sat and watched a guy try to paddle out. He made it about 25 yards out and couldn't even get past the inside break; after less than five minutes trying, he was 1/4 mile down the beach from the rip. Dumbass.


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