Tuesday, September 21, 2010



  1. Hey guys. Chris how is your shoulder rehab going?

    I subbed 50 lunges and 50 squats per round in the Austin Westin this morning. It's amazing how much more productive CF is than just lollygagging on the LifeCycle machines and watching TV.

    TT 24:10. Ass kicker, as usual. Large puddles of sweat on the gym floor where I was doing squats and BE's. I was courteous enough to wipe up the mess. My hammies got hammered!

    Oh, the machines say the following on them, which to me means that we can no longer do CrossFit guys. Time to hang it up!

    "Say stop exercising if you feel pain, faint, dizzy, or short of breath."

  2. Hey Craig how's the new job going for you? Shoulder rehab sucks, plain and simple. It's a long road to recovery, but I'm getting there. I'm so anxious to get back in the game with CrossFit, but I just can't do it yet. So I make up my own WOD's and try to do what I can, but it's rather frustrating.

    I'm glad to see the blog is getting activity again. I'm on here every day so keep hitting it hard guys. I'll be back some day.


  3. Oh I forgot to add, that I actually get to do a WOD RX'd from the main site today. I'm stoked about that! I'll post my time later

  4. Today might be armless, but it sure as fuck is not harmless if you do GHDsitups. Holy shit, I am quite scared about the possiblity of abdominal and hamstrings cramping over the next couple of days. Truly painful and a great way to do a hero wod.
    TT= 30:58

  5. I did today's with only ass-on-floor-feet-hooked sit-ups, not GHD sit-ups, the angled BE stand, and ran on the track. I'm sure the others in the gym were wondering what the hell I was doing going back and forth, but whatever.

    TT - 29:26

    My lungs are starting to come back slowly, and am feeling that I can push myself more and more.

  6. I did

    Row 1k
    50 45# GMS
    50 regular anchored SUs

    TT = 22:40

    I can't find anywhere on the mainsite where I ever did Michael before, so that makes this a pr I guess. I kept the rows right around 1:50 splits, everything unbroken til the last round of situps.

    150 GHDs for time is rough Justin. I wasn't going to try it, especially with rowing in the mix.

  7. TT: 27:40, situps on the GHD and boy am I feeling that today. Today's WOD looks like alot of fun.

    Later guys


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