Saturday, September 18, 2010

4x500 Row


  1. Got'er done early today so we could take off for NYC and the King Tut exhibit. This summer, I did 6x500 w/ my nephew, and I averaged right around 1:40 (in fact, all my sets were between 1:38 and 1:41). So I'd aimed to keep all four of today's under 1:40, especially since we get a longer rest. But I think I blew out too much on the first set, since my legs got seriously lactose intolerant by the end of the second. Still kept pretty close to my target though.


  2. I held back on this in the begining, but fought hard at the end.


  3. Nice work Jacob - we won't even disqualify you for doing more rounds than rx'd...

    BTW - DON'T go to the King Tut exhibit! This matters since it's going to Denver this winter (Fletcher, et al). They don't have the sarcophagus you really want to see or that cool gold throne; you go through all these rooms with cool, but irrelevant (if you've brought your kid) artifacts, only to leave you at the end with nothing but a replica - REPLICA! - of the body and no gold finish. Waste of money, especially given that we opted for this one instead of heading to the Intrepid museum.

    Anyway, tomorrow's WOD looks cool, DLs and HSPUs. But I'll be making it up on Monday; still tryin' to reason with hurricane season - headed to the beach to hit some tasty Igor swell. East Coast surf season buddy butt!

  4. I did JT this morning, not sure why since it went so terribly. I will do this rowing one either later today or next weekend when I get back. I've never actually done the 4x500, I did the 4x1K last time and I felt shaky and crappy the entire day from that!

    JY went HORRIBLE. 18:10, my PR is in the 11's... I could NOT do HSPUs. In fact, I almost called it a DNF. Failed reps, standing around waiting, failed reps again... last 20+ reps of HSPUs were singles, and barely. Not sure why?

    Off to Austin again today to freak people out in the hotel gym.

    I'll try to beat you guys on the rowing, but those times are solid. Won't go to the King Tut deal either, thanks Chas!

  5. Wodoers: Ran that same nasty hill in 8:20 with no vest. Four seconds slower than the first time. It is nasty. I started out too fast and after the first 1:30 or so it was just a nasty battle against lactic acid and pain. It is one of those great wods like fran that makes you cough the entire rest of the day. Viva la crossfit!

  6. I did this one yesterday before heading to the U of MT vs. Eastern WA game. I was short on time though, so I didn't rest the full 3 minutes between sets.

    2:02, 1 minute
    2:07, 2 minute
    2:09, 1 minute

    Ran 500m, 2 minute rest between
    2:05, 2:07


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