Thursday, September 30, 2010



  1. 27:04 with regular burpees. I was still sore as hell from the minutes of pull ups. For whatever reason that wod just trashes my biceps were they connect at my elbows. I usually cannot straighten my arms completely for 4 or 5 days after the minutes.

  2. Did the OPT WOD today, then a light version of Ryan.

    WOD #2
    "Ryan" Light
    3 Rounds for time of:
    7 Muscle-ups
    21 Burpees, 14" Jump


    I felt beat as all hell after this. I've done this one before in the 12's, but today my jump was a little higher then Rx'd, so who knows...

  3. I did a wicked mtn bike ride yesterday AM as the sun was rising with really big climbs and lots of pain.

    Today I am resting, and I think I am getting sick too. Oh well.

  4. I went back to the night workout for today. The GU gym isn't really built for this one and I didn't think I'd be able to survive 105 burpees, 105 dips, and 105 pull-ups, so I did 105 burpee pull-ups instead.

    TT - 26:37

    I got to talking with one of the guys in my classes for the second half of the workout. So, I probably could have done it a bit faster, but this one totally whoooped me anyway. Later fellas.


  5. I scaled this one a bit to fit my ceiling:

    MUs from knees
    burpees w/ jump but not to 1'

    TT = 19:25

  6. This was an evil WOD. Welcome to CrossFit.

    Doubled the MU reps cos I was doing jumping MUs. Did burpees to 1 foot high jump. That is not cool.

    23:25. Dying.

    Recovery drink a) Cranberry flavored Mike's Hard Lemonade

    Recovery drink b) Nitrean powder powered berry, water, a little milk, and walnut smoothy.

    And now, Football. And the Broncos won one too. Nice.


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