Monday, March 21, 2011

135FS/Rope climb


  1. Went on a nice run and a long ass ski yesterday, so I went backwards and made this one up today.

    FS as rx'd. Rope climbs ass to 10' no foot rope climb.

    My only goal was not to be double Spealler's time, and I wasn't 8:01 on the dot. Pretty sure this is my house since the only other guy in the group who has a rope is sick.

  2. Wow this one sucked bad. I did five tuck pullups/round for the climbs, FS as rx'd.

    TT = 14:45

    That might be my worst ever Chas:Spealler ratio.

  3. I did the AMRAP in 10 minutes of DU's and Power Snatches from last week. I wanted to play around with the new bumpers I got so figured what the heck. I subbed side-to-side jumps over the bar for the DU's.

    4 Rounds + 30 s2s jumps + 1 PS

    Good WOD

  4. Got to this one tonight. Wasn't able to do rope climbs, as usual, but finally came up witha decent sub. I call them walkabout pullups. The squat racks at the gyms have 3 different sets of pullup handles at different angles, widths, and heights. So, I alternated with having right hand up + left hand low - pullup, move left hand up + right hand low - pullup, etc. Subbed 5 walkabout pullups per round for rope climbs.

    TT = 18:18

    This was definitely a hand/callous ripper. But, glad I got it in. Back to my long-ass report. Later fellas.


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