Monday, March 14, 2011

Behind the Neck Jerks 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1


  1. Dudes - I was Mr. Mom for 3 kids from 6AM - 9PM yesterday, not even a spare 20 minutes to WOD. Can't just leave little kids to themselves.

    So my buddy Heath met me at 6:30 this morning for his 40th birthday WOD. We did pretty much a "filthy forty" rendition as follows:

    40 burpees (what a start, yay! Did these in 3:30)
    40 DB c and J's (20 lbs Heath) Craig did 40BEs (DBC&J's were hurting my knee bad)
    40 situps
    40 jumping pullups
    40 pushups
    40 lunges
    40 20" box jumps
    40 45 lb push press
    40 1 pooder's
    row 500M (heth run 400M)

    Craig 22 minutes
    Heath 24:38

    'Twas a goodin'

  2. Try this progression for a pr fellas. Use your own weitghts but follow the same progression.

    95x5, 135x5,155x5,185x3,205x2,225x2,235x1,245x1,255x1

    Let me know how it works boys.

  3. Justin nice PR and thank you for kicking my ass on yesterdays WOD. I'm not sure why I was so slow other than my pullups suck. I can't go super heavy with the shoulder as you all know, but man it felt real good I had to force myself to back off. I know I had 200+ in me easily.


  4. Sorry for the absence lately. I did workout Monday and Tuesday last week, but haven't had a chance to post yet. I was on spring break all last week, and went home Tuesday night to help Ma out with some stuff around the house and at Grandma's cabin. Came back to Spokane on Friday night, but didn't get back to the gym until last night.

    Did this one as the back half of a double, after the run/su/be/run WOD.

    95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x2, 175x2,then
    185, 195, 205, 215f, 215f, 215f, 210f, 210f

    I just "knew" that I was going to get 215 if I kept trying long enough. Never happened, then didn't have any gas left to go after 210. Anyway, it was fun. Later fellas.

  5. Kook, 265 is HUGE! Way to go.


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