Friday, March 4, 2011

Walk on Hands/Squat 135 a zillion times


  1. Fletcher: I think this is your dream wod:)

    WODoers: Oly day today and 3 pr's for me.

    185# Snatch
    207# Overhead squat
    244# Jerk

    Odd numbers are the result of kilo plates.

    Heck. Haven't had a 3 pr day since like the second or third time I did the total.

  2. Duders, I went snowboarding yesterday for the first time in a year. Bombed the mountain nonstop for hours. Others were complaining of leg burn. I had it, but I never slowed down. CrossFit baby. To top it off, I got up early this morning and did McCluskey. I'll probably do this one tomorrow. My legs are feeling it I'll say that.


    Fletcher version:

    Wearing 20 lb vest
    9 MU progressions
    15 BPU's
    21 pullups
    Row 1K

    Last round was awful, felt sick and dizzy, especially during BPUs and the row. I rowed my ass off in round 3. For added difficulty I did the BPUs on the high bar where I have to jump about 8 inches to reach the bar. Those were totally exhuasting with the vest.

    TT 36:15 (11:05, 12:45, 12:25)

  3. Justin, Awesome work on the PRs. Man I miss heavy lifting, I am jealous. You are the STRONG.

  4. I scaled and subbed here. The other day when I did 121 squats @ 115 my legs were sore to the point of ridiculous for 3-4 days. (I counted wrong when I wrote 146)

    5 rounds for time:
    20 squats @115
    40 handstand "shuffles" where you go into a handstand on the wall and pick up each hand alternating.

    Those shuffle deals were my idea of emulating a HS walk since HS walks tweak my jacked up lower back cos they cause a lot of flexion when my legs flop over. These were a lot harder than I thought they were going to be.

    TT 15:24 First 3 rounds were slow. I was coming out of the "not WODding much lately" fog, which is really tough. Good to get back at it. Really had to force my way through. Already looking forward to tomorrow's WOD

    (did shoulder press speed style right after this)

  5. I did this one yesterday after the shoulder press workout. I subbed the "walk yourself up the wall" sub for walking handstands. I subbed 7 bear crawl to HSPU position walks for each round.

    TT - about 23 minutes.

    I lost my stopwatch a week ago and forgot to bring my phone with me to time myself yesterday. Anyway, a good asskicker.

    Later fellas.


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