Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bench Squat


  1. Chris: Send me your cell phone number and I will text you a little video of the jerk blocks, so you can see how to build them. My phone is refusing to send emails right now.

    WODoers: I did this with 135 pound shoulder press x 3. I think that is a fair sub. I had to change out the weights, so I lost a little time there. Man my ass is about to crap up permanently. 8 complete rounds on the button.

  2. Nice work dude. My knee was having super sharp pains during warm up - like bad. I was going to do bench RX'd and 6 pistols/round but I did a single pistol and about fell over. Just part of life with a jacked knee. It comes and goes. Sometimes it's fine, sometimes it hurts.

    So I did this:

    AMRAP in 12
    Bench 185 x3
    10 GHDs

    13 rounds + 3 BP at the buzzer

    42 benches at 185. That'll get yer man boobs sore.

    My back is also really hurting... I think it's from the mega rowing madness yesterday. Rowing AS FAST AS YOU CAN LIKE SOMEONE IS TRYING TO KILL YOU AND YOU MUST GET AWAY for 20 seconds x10 is insane.

  3. I'm a pussy who's taken too much time off and has only one rack. So I did:

    BP 155#
    Front squat 165# (cleaned from floor)

    Even so, I only made 8 rounds + 3BP. Those FS's made this a wrist breaker.

    At least the Huskies won again today. Another crack at Pitt tomorrow!

  4. What's up fellas! Welcome back Chas. Hey guys I did this RX'd but lost a ton of time in transition. I only have one bench so I had to lift the bar up and down between the 2 sets of racks each round. Check the picture out so you know what I'm talking about.

    I got 8 rounds, but the timer went off in the middle of my last set of squats so if I had to guess my time would be 12:10. I haven't down the sprints yet. Combination of not feeling all that great and my legs being sore as fuck from the DL and lunge workout. Maybe I'll hit that up tomorrow.

    Justin I sent you an email but I'm not sure if I got the right one. Let me know if you get it.

    Later dudes

  5. Did this one last night. I think that my totals are more indicative of being able to go right from one lift to the other. I was really happy with my results though.

    Total - 10 rounds in 12:10

    Somebody texted me during my workout so the stopwatch on the phone stopped temporarily. So, I really don't know exactly what I did but think that this is pretty close.


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