Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Piles and Piles of suck ass


  1. I didn't want to do this at all and it showed. I had four hsps at the twenty minute mark and I was done. I would have taken another twenty minutes to finish. Have fun with this one boys.

  2. LOL! That's pretty much how I felt. I ripped through the burpees pretty good, 6 mins, was done with everything BUT HSPU's in 14 flat.... and then it happened..... HSPU hell.

    HSPU's took another 9:22 alone!! What happened? I just suck at those damn things. I actually started to laugh after a while. Lots of failed reps, lots of reps, doing 1 at a time.

  3. Are you guys following the CF Games Open? Rich Froning is a FREAK!!! The format is really cool. Anyone from the world can enter for $5. I saw a video of Froning's performance. He virtually never slowed down. I think he dropped the bar twice and took a single deep breath, that was it.

  4. Man I don't remember this WOD being so damn hard. Pullups and HSPU's by far were the worst for me. Started off with 10 in a row with the HSPU's, then the wheels came off. Way off my PR. I'm still not 100% with my upper body strength and it shows BIG time.

    TT: 20:46

    Lets see if the reverse this one to kick off next cycle. I hope not.

    Peace out fellas!

  5. Zoo-Wee-Mama. HSPUs were far from full ROM by the end. But I finished them.

    TT = 22:45

    Gonna try to make up the 10K tomorrow on the erg.

  6. Did this one last night and completely agree with the title given. I couldn't bend my arms by the time I got to HSPU's, so I did 30 second holds on handstands. 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off 5 times.

    TT = 30 minutes, not as Rx'ed.

    Can't wait to hit it again tonight. Later fellas.

  7. I would have had a great time if not for those damn HSPU's. I didn't hardly stop until the pullups, then I had to switch off on the bar with my buddy... but then the HSPU's were just stupid. 9 1/2 minutes?

  8. OK, so I actually did make up the 10K. Rowed it, posted on that day's notes.


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