Wednesday, March 16, 2011

30DU15PS 10minute AMRAP


  1. Mikey: Great to see you back posting again. I bet we are really close on this wod, but I think your skills with the rope will give you the edge.

    WODoers: 3 round 30 du and 9 snatch. This was a crusher.

  2. What is going on people? How has the lot of you been? Well I'm out of shape and poor as hell, but at least I have my health... Now I got to get back my fitness.

    Here's my start.

    Warm up stretching and snatch/DU work.

    Then WOD #1

    CrossFit Games Open 11.1

    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
    30 Double-unders
    15 Power snatches, 75lbs

    Jacob 6 Rounds

    Probably some slop reps here and there, but the DU's were straight butter... all unbroken, the best I've ever done with something like that and 2 rounds I did 31 reps to boot. I had 3 rounds +30 DU's going at the 5 minute mark and then I powered out the last round in under 1:15 after chasing down my weights. Not bad, but lets just see what happens when heavy squating comes up, then I'm SOL.

    Cool down WOD

    50 Calories Airdyne, not for time.

    WOD #2

    Back Ext.
    Lying leg raise plate chops, 25lbs
    Plank Hold

    Jacob 7/13/20/20 sec.
    20 second holds unbroken x8

    I Hope all is well with all you guys, and I'm going to try to WOD and post here with some regularity now that the I wraping up my classes for the semester in the next month.


  3. I've been wondering what happened to Jacob "The Terminator". Welcome back dude, glad to see you are doing well!

  4. Kook, you were right. I did get you, but just by 6 snatches and about 5 seconds.

    Total - 4 rounds in 9:55

    Looks like we're staying at the garage tonight, which seems fitting since machines don't need beds or houses. Good to see you back Jacob.

    Later fellas.

  5. Oh, and I forgot to tell you the quote of the night from the gym last night. The gym director/supervisor was talking to one of the students telling him about how his workout for the upcoming day was going to be just squats and bench. Then, the student said, "oh, like Mike is doing."

    Director: Yep. Looks like it.
    Student: Oh, he's going back and forth for like 12 minutes or some shit like that.
    Director: Oh. Fuuuuck that. That would suck.

    Both guys are pretty cool guys and actually know how to work out. Just thought it was funny how even people who know what they're doing in the gym think that CF is crazy.

  6. I didn't do DUs, but rather side-to-side jumps over the snatch bar. So close to 4 rounds.




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