Wednesday, March 2, 2011



  1. WODoers?? Don't make fun of my time unless you do McCluskey the day before with weighted muscle ups. Total time today was 21:50. HSPs took forever my arms were toast.

  2. Justin I don't think you will ever need to worry about anyone making fun of your times. You set the bar yesterday.

    BTW, where did you get those Squat blocks? I could use some to start doing more shit out in my garage.

  3. The are technically jerk blocks, cause they are made to drop the weights on from overhead. I bought them from my oly lifting trainer for $75.00. He said he had fifty bucks in materials to make them, so I figure that was a great deal. I bet they could be built in 2 to 4 hours depending on your carpentry skills. I can take some close up pictures and give you the measurements if you want.

  4. Hey guys in a rush. Last two days I was in Chicago and recovering from sick. New hero WOD looks nasty. Maybe do that tomorrow if I feel better.

    Did this was, it was hard cos I don't feel right. Subbed 500M row and did HSPU's to AbMat cos I am too weak for full ROM, could only do ONE during warmup and got dizzy.

    TT 17:48 but hey, first WOD in 4 days and slept like crap in CHI as well...

  5. Justin send some pics over if you get a chance. I'm not much of a carpenter but I'll see what I can do.

    RX'd: 16:53

    I seem to lose my balance doing the squat snatch not sure why.

    Squat snatches went 10/5,8/4/2,5/5/5
    HSPU's head to floor 6/3,5/2/2,5/2/1/1

    It was light weight but this winded the shit out of me go figure HSPU's were tough but I'm working my way back on these.

    Craig hope you feel better.

    Peace out

  6. Oh runs were on the treadmill 2% incline

  7. and apparently I cant add, second round 8/4/3 on Squat snatch

  8. Did this one yesterday. I can really tell that I haven't been working on handstands like I was when I had that aerobic/MMA room at the gym in Houston. HSPU form is the shits.

    TT - 17:48


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