Saturday, March 5, 2011

Should Press 7x3


  1. I did west side speed day. Jerk grip. 10x3 with 45 secondes of rest in between. 95#

  2. Justin I followed your lead and did the same thing with 95#. I can't go super heavy with the shoulder and I like the speed stuff.

  3. I like this idea. I did it like this:

    95x3 reps fast rest 30 seconds in between, alterating between collerbones and behind the neck every set. Last set I *barely* got up. 30 seconds is not very long.

  4. I only did enough sets to reach my max, then moved on to the Walk on Hands/Squat WOD.

    135, 155, 165, 175x2, 185 PP


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