Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3


  1. I didn't know where to start.


    Later dudes

  2. So fucking close to a pr today.


    I just missed locking out #3 on my first try at 175. Fuck. 3RM remains 170.

  3. All I can do is post what I once did here.. 200x2. No heavy for me ever again. Good job guys. Tomorrow I will either do what the main site has (if I can do it) or I'll do a thrusters speed day.

  4. Was hoping that I could put up a good number so that you all have to take a trip to Spokane for the evening. But, I think that Kook is going to put up a better number later.

    95, 135, 55, 75, 95, 205x1, 205f

    My 1 rep of 205 was pretty ugly, barely held above my head.

    Finished up with some HSPU's and some hand stand holds. Trying to build that skill back up so that I can get back to where I was.

    Anyway, later fellas.

  5. Tomorrow looks pretty fun. Looking forward to it.

  6. WODoers: Started with a warm up of 1 press, 1 push press, 1 thruster, and 1 overhead squat. I worked this up to a "post correct form" 170 pr in the press and then went into the thrusters.
    It was only a five pound pr after a full year, but I'll take it. Third rep was a true max effort to get the lock out, and I am soooore today from that crazy body weight extravagana. Any body else get the franish sickness for about a half an hour after that one?

  7. I didn't.... because I didn't have the strength to do the pullups fast enough to get the Fran effect!


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