Friday, March 18, 2011


Four rounds for time of:
10 L-pull-ups
15 Push-ups
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
20 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups


  1. I felt sick and nauseated before I even started this one, not even sure why I tried it but I just had to after I saw him holding his daughter.

    I did three rounds in 22:45. I had to stop because of feeling like death. First round in 5 minutes, then I fell apart.

  2. Oly day for me. I fought my way through about 7 misses to get a 185# pr on the snatch. Then I worked up to 465# deadlift. That's 20 lower than my PR, but it is the heaviest I have gotten in a long time. Then to finish it off I had a spectacular failure in the last two rounds of tabata ring dips. My coach is somewhat evil in that he has me do a tabata body weight test after all the oly shit. I yet to post a decent score. Went 6-6-6-6-6-6-3-2 That is fucked! Oh well.

    Chris: I feel like the programing has shifted to more of a chipper games wod prep than it used to be. I have been sticking with it, but I have been seriously considering subbing some shorter more intense workouts. I get a lot more out of an Elizabeth styled wod than a 40 to 60 minute grind. For me there is just no way to maintain intensity after a certain point. Also, it might be counter intuitive, but I think a short nasty wod is way more mentally challenging that the 40 minute plus grinders.

  3. Turns out that was the onset of the stomach flu. Sucks. Can't even believe I did 3 rounds. Nausea is not so fun.

    Justin, I think the mix of main site programming makes sense. They are usually short, then have some heavy days, and once every week or two they give you a long one.

  4. I feel badly about this, but I had to make the WOD into a 15-minute AMRAP in order to squeeze it in this am. Some subs too:

    AMRAP in 15mins:
    10 KTE
    15 PUs
    15 CTP
    15 PUs
    10 Pullups
    15 PUs

    I made it thru 2 rounds + KTE/PU/CTB

    Cheers fellas. Go HUSKIES!

  5. It was mental battle for me with the pullups. Just stood there and stared at the bar alot but I got through it. Tough WOD, glad it's over.

    As RX'd: 32:38

  6. Still feeling the effects of Weaver. 180 Pullups and 180 pushups wrecked me. Sore as hell. Got some blood flowing to them tiddies again though!!


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