Friday, January 18, 2013

Fight Gone Bad!


  1. Fletcher, I owe you this 300! Hell yeah.

    I had about a 10 minute argument with myself before this one started, but I finally convinced myself Fletcher was right. Also, I figured the 8 or 9 times I have done this before prove conclusively that if you want to, you can destroy your entire score by coming out of the gate to fast. It was still hard to walk away from the wall balls at 25 with 20 seconds left, but it was worth it in the end. Breaking 300 for me was really about the one or two reps toward the end of each round that I just did instead of staring at the bar or the box, this one really is mental.

    115-91-94=300 PMFR!

    Oh yeah 20" box is huge difference, so many more reps than 24" step ladder.

  2. Nice work man!!! I suggest you pipe it down even more next time in round 1. You fell off pace quite a bit after round one. Like maybe go for 107 in round one, for example. I also figure out what I am best at and try to really BLAST through those. For me, I can get a lot of points in WB, PP, and SDHP, especially WB and PP, so I go 80% on the other stuff so I can destroy WB and PP. Rowing isn't worth the effort (although I still kill the rower more than I should sometimes because I get to rest after that...)

    I have, at times, mapped out a target on my wall of
    target reps/move/round and tried to stick to that. Then I know exactly what I need to do do gun for a PR.

    I am just not very good at box jumps either... and I know it, so I use that one to get "some points" but also recover so I can crush after it.

    NICE WORK JTS!! I want to see a 310 next time.

  3. PS - I am doing this tomorrow. Having a bunch of guys over... team FGB!

  4. Nice job Justin!!

    Hey guys I'm here, been sick twice in the past 2 months. This last one kicked my ass good. Starting to turn the corner so I'll be WODing again.

    Keep the blog going Craig. Although I haven't been posting recently I do visit the blog on a daily basis.

  5. I attacked this sunufabitch this morning. Had 3 margaritas last night too after a long hard work week. I focused on WBs and PPs and paced the other stuff... man that was brutal.

    Round 1: 130 (a 1 round PR in itself, I didn't listen to my own advice, I didn't pace round 1 much at all... balls out)
    Round 2: 115
    Round 3: 105 - screaming and yelling during the PP's, I can crank 40+ of those, that's where I get my PRs.

    Total score 350! PR by 21. Fired up, and shaking...

  6. PS - Round 1 got 33 WBs, round 2 30, round 3 25.

  7. PSS - Had my buddy Chad over (you can see his score) he just started WOD'ing 2 months ago, still can't kick the smoking habit. Chad got a big PR today... his last time in December was 153, he got 214 today and about hacked up a lung.


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