Saturday, January 5, 2013



  1. Guys, not to be a sap, but the Connecticut shooting really bothered (and bothers) me on many levels. Primarily because I have similarly aged kids... they are my babies and my life's joy. That madman reloaded again and again while surviving kids waited to be killed. All victims had multiple bullet wounds. Just horrifying. I grew up in a town called Evergreen out here and CrossFit Evergreen posted a hero WOD for Victoria yesterday. Victoria was one of the teachers that was slain. What she did was bad ass. She corraled a bunch of kids in a closet as well as another teacher and the shooter came in right then, asked her where the kids were, she lied and said that they were all down in gym class, so he shot her and moved on, saving the lives of many. Fuck ya.

    5 rounds for time

    10 thrusters 95
    14 box jumps 24"
    12 sumos 95
    12 burpees
    27 kettel bell swings, 53 pounds

    TT 32:18.

    First round was 4 minutes, last round I was out for blood thinking about the kids and got that in about 4:30. Middle rounds I struggled mightily. at least I manned up at the end. Final round was totally unbroken except sumos I went 4/4/4. Even the freaking 27 KBS.... put me on the floor. Might rest tomorrow. Shit.

  2. I need to do this one again. There was way too much standing around and gasping for air to do justice to this workout and the hero it was named after. At least I did not give in to the overwhelming desire to quit towards the end of round 3. Starting each round with the thruster is every bit as brutal as it is designed to be on the body and the mind.

    31:04 as rx'd.

    Fletcher, you must not be feeling 100% cause this is the only time I can ever remember beating your time in a workout with box jumps and burpees.


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